A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A little app made for DD55 streams. Feel free to use. Provided as it.

Was intended for inhouse use, so can be buggy, unstable, unsupported, make you a crab, curse you with streamer brain, etc.

Happy Path: Load/Open file -> Add Entry -> Configure Entry -> Review Entry.

Score formulae is:

Graphics, Audio, Gameplay are core values, they are summed.
Then positive modifiers are applied. Each pre-defined checkbox is worth + 0.1 out of the core values sum, except for newcomer - it defaults to 0.4, can be altered in the config window. Custom new checkboxes have weight attached to them as well which is applied.

Then negative modifiers are applied, so one predefined negative checkbox is -0.1 * (core values + core values * positive modifiers).

Impression rating is a flat modifier on top of all previous calculations.
Total game score ranges from 0 to 50.

Please read the following before using:

The build may be buggy and unstable since it was not intended for public release. If there are bugs - please notify me. I will prioritize hard crashes and problems with loading, everything else may be ignored.

DD55 is hardcoded into the editor for now, I may make it configurable later for future DDs.

Only Mac OS builds are tested, will test Win build later. Linux build won't be tested, proceed at your own risk.

The editor is built on top of the ZCRPG code base, so it will also ask you for your microphone if you're on mac. Sorry, I will fix it as some point.

Links to itch.io are clickable.

Molyneux is used as a default image for a game. If the app fails to load your image (for example - you've moved it) - it will display the Molyneux image.

Save files have an extension of *.ddreview. It's a json file, formatted to be human readable. Be careful with editing it, the app WILL crash if the structure is broken.

*.ddreview_bak is a backup file which contains previous change. Please don't touch it, it may be useful for data retrieval.

Changes are saved automatically.


dd_reviewer_win_x64.zip 125 MB
dd_reviewer_mac_x64.zip 119 MB
dd_reviewer_mac_arm64.zip 128 MB
dd_reviewer_linux_64.zip 127 MB


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